Top 10
Trends Accuracy |
Mitchell Levy has put more details about the predictions into a book called "Happy
About Knowing What to Expect in 2006". Read
more about the book, or buy it in pdf or paperback formats.
The predictions for a future year are typically made in October or November
of the preceeding year. At the end of the following year, we look at the previous
predictions to determine whether they came to fruition. Here is how ECnow's predictions
have faired over the last seven years.
- 2008: 85% accurate
- 2007: 85% accurate
- 2006: 85% accurate
- 2005: 85% accurate
- 2004: 80% accurate
- 2003: 75% accurate
- 2002: 40% accurate
- 2001: 95% accurate
- 2000: 70% accurate
- 1999: 70% accurate
- 1998: 65% accurate
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