Mitchell Levy has put more details about the predictions into a book called "Happy
About Knowing What to Expect in 2006". Read
more about the book, or buy it in pdf or paperback formats.
The italics represent the accuracy of the predictions as of 10/14/05
- VOIP goes mainstream (partial)
#02 - China's Power
and World Economic Influence Grows (correct)
#03 - Working
at Home Goes Mainstream While Small Business Thrives (partial)
- Pickup in Offshoring Activity (correct)
#05 - While the
World is Shrinking, the World Market is Expanding (correct)
- Increase in Technology Stocks (partial)
#07 - Cell Phones
look More and More like PDAs and vice versa (correct)
- Blogging and Social Networking Become Accepted Business Tools (correct)
- Continued Confidence in Using the Internet (correct)
- The World Keeps Changing (correct)
Bonus Trends:
- Bonus Trend: Included the Most Interesting Predictions this Year