Mitchell Levy has put more details about the predictions into a book called "Happy
About Knowing What to Expect in 2006". Read
more about the book, or buy it in pdf or paperback formats.
The italics represent the accuracy of the predictions as of 12/20/06
- Energy issues take a front burner on the world stage (right)
- The Internet's democratization effect expands to traditional media (right)
- Marketing expenditures and activities continue to shift to the Internet (right)
- China's continued growth significantly effects world commerce (right)
- Outsourcing continues to expand to other sectors of the economy (right)
- Services continues to play a bigger role in Western economies (partial)
- Usage and proliferation of mobile commerce expands (right)
- VOIP adoption continues (right)
#09 - Employer/employee
relationships strengthen for the first time in years (wrong)
- Security and privacy issues raise their heads again (right)
#01 - Bonus Trend: Included the Most Interesting Predictions this