NOTE: The italics represent the accuracy of the predictions as of 12/31/98
- Other forms of currency take focus [Time, Attention, Trust] (Wrong, not as
much focus in '98 as expected)
#02 - Consumer acceptance of SSL security
#03 - Login/password authentication will start going away
(Wrong, not yet)
#04 - XML will start to replace HTML (Partially,
most vendors have XML implementations, slower than expected)
#05 - Too
many solutions, particularly point solutions, will be consolidation, but... (Correct)
- Continued price transparency (Correct)
#07 - "True" eCommerce
implementations will be driven from the top-down (Correct)
#08 -
eCommerce implementations will focus on meeting business needs (Mostly, still
a ways to go)
#09 - eCommerce implementations will be more than pretty
pages (Correct)
#10 - The definition of eCommerce will expand (Mostly,
still a ways to go)