Management/E-Business Resources |
ECnow.com's list of noteworthy marketing,
electronic commerce and other resources on the Web
Resources Quick
Overview of the Landscape Marketing/Surveys
General News/Article/Surveys Books
for E-Commerce Management Books for Thinking
Outside the Box
Silicon Valley Networking Opportunities Jobs/Contracting
Listings Conferences/Seminars Entrepreneurial
For Newbies
Quickly Overview
the Landscape | Yahoo
All Business),
Line56, E-CommerceTimes,
ECommerce-Guide.com, Internet.com
(EC-News, International),
Business Week (eBiz, Daily
Briefing), C/Net News.com, Infoweek
NewsFlash, Techweb's Ebiz,
Computer Reseller
News, SiliconValley.com,
WSJ Online, New
York Times, 7am.com, PRweb.com
| Marketing
/ Surveys | Activmedia, Adbility.com,
Clickz, ECnow.com's Internet Marketing Techniques,
GVU (User
surveys), eMarketer, Forrester Press Releases, Gartner Press Releases, Internet Advertising
Bureau, Internet Software Consortium
(Internet domain survey), Greenfield
Online, Ed
Osborne's Internet Marketing News, Marketing
Sherpa, MediaMetrix (user rankings), Nielson//Netratings,
NUA (Internet surveys), Personalization,
PRweb.com, Roper Starch, Search Engine
Showdown, Search
Day, Search Engine Watch, SecuritySpace.com,
StatMarket.com, Yoursurvey.com |
News / Articles / Info |
eDocuments, American Bar Association's Business Law,
ASPnews.com, ASPisland.com,
& McKinsie E-Commerce Tax Resources, Benchmarking
Reports, Best-in-Class, Brint.com (Business
& IT Mgt Portal), Business
Week Daily Briefing, Business
Week Online, CIO's
35 cents, CMPnet.com,
Competia.com, Darwin,
eCFO, eCommerce Advisor,
eCommercetimes, VMS3.info (E-Commerce
Management eZine), E-Newsletters,
Forrester Research,
Group, Goldman
Sach Research, Gomez, Harvard Business Review, Hoovers, Iconocast, IDG, Individual,
Interactive Journal of Electronic Markets,
(Internet.com's Download
Area, eCommerce Guide,
eCommerce News, International,
Lists, Internet
News, Internet
Resources, InternetWeek,
Resources, Marketing
Channel), Internettime.com
E-Learning Jump Page, ITAA,
Jenn's Producer/Project Management Resources Page,
Jim Sterne's Targeting Site, Jupiter Communications,
Line 56, Malaysia eCommerce,
The Marketing
Exec, Massachusetts EC Org, Mercer Management Journal, News.com, News Index, NewsLinx, New York Times,
NetworkWork 10 Ways to Fail, Official
Stats on the Web, Outsourcing
E-Commerce, Peppers & Rogers
1to1, PC Week: Setting up Shop Online, Salon
Technology, SellitontheWeb.com, Shop.org
(Retail-Focused Consortium), SiliconValley.com, Slate, Sloan Management Review, Spam
Vigilante, the451,
Techweb's Encyclopedia, Todd Maffin's Future
File, US Government
EC Policies,
Micropayments Overview, Webharbor.com,
Wilson Web,
Books for Effective Business Management |
(Mitchell Levy), Built
To Last (James Collins), Business
@ The Speed of Thought (On
Tape - Bill Gates), Customers.com
(Patricia Seybold), Cybercareers
(Mary Morris), Dilbert Principle
(Scott Adams), Direct
from Dell (Michael Dell), Enterprise.com
(Jeff Papows), Execution
(Larry Bossidy), The
Experience Economy (Joseph Pine), Good
to Great (James Collins), Free,
Perfect and Now (Rob Rodin), Growing
up Digital (Dan Tapscott), 22
Immutable Laws of Branding (Al &
Laura Ries), Information Rules (Carl Shapiro), The Innovators Delimma
(On Tape - Clayton
Christensen), Love
is the Killer App (Tim Sanders), Markets of One (Gilmore/Pine), Now
or Never (Mary Modahl), One
to One Fieldbook (Peppers/Rogers), Selling
the Wheel Audio/Hard-Cover
(Jeff Cox), The
Five Temptations of a CEO (Patrick Lencioni), The
Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive (Patrick Lencioni),
Reeingineering Alternative (Bill Schneider), Striking
It Rich.com (Jaclyn Easton), The
Age of Spiritual Machines (Ray Kurzweil) |
for Thinking Outside the Box | 1001
Ways to Reward Employees (Bob Nelson), A
Kick in the Seat of the Pants (Roger von Oech), A
Whack on the Side of the Head (Roger von Oech), Competitive
Strategy (Michael Porter), Do
Fish Drink Water (Bill McLain), Profit
Patterns (Adrian Slywotzky, David Morrison),
Thinking Hats (Edward De Bono), Value
Migration (Adrian Slywotzky) |
Silicon Valley
Networking Opportunities | CEOnetworking,
American Electronics
Assn, Asia-Silicon
Valley Connection, Assn
for Corporate Growth, Assn
of Strategic Alliance Professionals, Assn
of Support Professionals, Bay Area Editors Forum, BioE2E, Business Marketing
Assn (North CA. Chapter),
Central Coast
Angels Network, Churchill
Club, Chinese
Information and Networking Assn, Chinese Software Professional
Assn, CNetwork, Financial
Executives Intl, Forum for Women Entrepreneurs,
Garage Events, Hong
Kong Assn of Northern California, Hua Yuan
Science and Technology Assn, Independent
Computer Consultants Organization,
The Japan Society,
Jewish High
Tech Community, Keizai
Society, Lighthouse Venture
Forum, MIT Club of Northern
California, MIT/Stanford Venture
Lab, Monte Jade Science and Technology Assn,
Muybueno (Latino Networking), Product
Development and Management Assn., Roundzero.com,
Ryze, Silicon
French, Silicon Valley Assn of Software Entrepreneurs
(SVASE), Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Assn,
Silicon Valley Indian Professionals Assn, Silicon
Valley Japanese Entrepreneur Network, Silicon
Valley Product Marketing Assn, Silicon Valley Webmasters
Guild, Silicon
Valley World Internet Center, Supply
Knowledge, Software Forum (Business
Intelligence) (Electronic
Business) (Founders
Forum) (International)
(Marketing) (Venture
Finance) (Web
Services), San
Francisco Women on the Web, Stanford
Breakfast Meeting, The Entrepreneur's Network
(TEN) Also: Competia
Industry Associations |
Jobs / Contracting Listings |
Aquent.com, bajobs.com,
bayareacareers.com, BrassRing.com,
Career.com, ChoiceCareers.com,
Craig's List, Crimson
Consulting, Dice, Exec-U-Net,
Freelance Technologies,
Guru.com, Headhunter.net,
Hotjobs.com, JobNext,
Monster, Monster
Talent Auction, Net-Temps,
PATCA, Stafftopia,
Wet Feet |
/ Seminars | CIO Magazines Calender, Comdex, Gartner Group Events, Expo World,
International Quality
& Productivity Center, Internet World,
Internet.com's List, Techweb's Calender, Online
Learning Conference, Thunderlizard, Trade Show News Network,
Training.com, UK Trade Shows |
Entrepreneurial |
AskHR.com, AssistU.com,
Benchmark Capital's Resources, Business Plans,
Business Plans
and Starting a Business, Business Plan Center, Business Planning
Institute, Business Week Online, Businesses
For Sale, Onvia.com (connecting business
to Government), CEO Express,
Mag, Entrepreneur's
Resource Network, Fast Company,
Inc.com, ipValue
Management, Learning
Fountain, MoreBusiness.com,
Small Business Journal,
Venture Capital
Resource Library, Venture
Directory, Venturewire.com
(signup for the newsletter), Yahoo Store's Info on Fraud Orders |
For Newbies |
Classes, E-Commerce
Tutorial - Put Your Business on the Web, Wilson
Web Store Comparison, Dave's Interactive Tutorial for Beginners,
Getting Started, Yahoo Internet Life - Net EZ-User - Surf School,
Worldwide Learn |

Free Strategic
eZine from ECnow.com

Book by Business Strategy Expert Mitchell Levy
To you'd like to comment on this list, add or subtract names on it, please
e-mail (update.resources@ecnow.com).
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