FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ericka Wilcox *** Mitchell Levy to Run two full-day Workshops at Comdex Vancouver*** CUPERTINO, CA, March 6, 2002 - Distinguished speaker, business leader and educator Mitchell Levy, the President & CEO of ECnow.com Inc., will be conducting two full-day workshops at Comdex Vancouver at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre. On Tuesday, March 19, he will be conducting the workshop "Creating and Managing E-Commerce/E-Business Initiatives Within Your Company." This Workshop helps the participant figure out how to effectively integrate technology into their business models and/or modify their business models as a result of what technology will allow us to do. Whether you call it e-commerce, e-business, e-services or a plethora of other names, we're talking about how to effectively deploy, manage, and utilize technology in our business. The participant will walk away with an understanding of how to make the business case, get funding for their initiatives and running them effectively. On Wednesday, March 20, he will be conducting the workshop
"Business Transformation." This Workshop helps the participant
move to the Internet age by utilizing Internet technology as a catalyst
to change their relationships with their customers, partners and employees
to reflect the new ways business can be conducted. As companies continue
to experiment and figure out how to transform themselves, there will
be a strong need for business leadership and support. Unfortunately,
most business leaders today are not prepared to successfully transform
their businesses. Companies need to balance the demands placed on them
today with the need to create strategies and processes that will transform
them for tomorrow. CRM and the customer will be a key focus of this
tutorial as we cover these topics:
With close to 20 years of management and technology experience across a wide range of Fortune 1000, new media and startup firms, Mitchell Levy is an expert at utilizing the Internet to deliver robust, cost-effective business solutions. A serial entrepreneur, Mr. Levy runs a number of businesses which all have the goal of helping individuals and corporations transition from the industrial age to the Internet Age. Before starting ECnow.com, he was at Sun Microsystems for 9 years, the last 4 of which he managed the e-commerce component of Sun's $3.5 billion supply chain. He is the author of E-Volve-or-Die.com and the Value Framework, the tool for creating business success in the 21st century. More information is available at http://e-volve-or-die.com and http://ecnow.com/value. Accredited press wishing to interview Mitchell Levy
while he is at Comdex Vancouver may contact him directly at Mitchell.levy@ecnow.com
408-257-3000. You can view a repository of Mitchell Levy in the news
at www.ecnow.com/media.
About Mitchell Levy Read more about Mr. Levy: http://ecnow.com/ml_bio.htm
Contact: Ericka Wilcox, Director of Public Relations for ECnow.com at: 888-234-2852 email to: ericka.wilcox@ecnow.com. Direct Line: 413-243-6661